Sunday, April 22, 2007

Why I'm 25 cents richer.

So, I'm on the skytrain with the crew, hardly able to move due to the mass amounts of sushi in my stomach that's weighing me down. We're all pleasantly quiet, reminiscing about the wonderful meal we just ate and as we went along, at one of the stops a very drunk, and therefore responsible (b/c he was taking the skytrain) man stumbled onto the train. He was happily swaying, smiling, and living in his own little drunken world when along came his stop. Meanwhile, Brian and I weren't really paying too much attention to him, we were just talking and what not. However, he did catch our eye when he started walking towards us. We were holding each other's hands and this man decided to drop 50 cents into them, two quarters. He was smiling as if he had just found the cure for AIDS, with the fluorescent skytrain lights gleaming off his red cheeks. Me and Brian decided to split the profit, hence my recent fortune.

Also, just on a side note, I feel like making everyone who reads this feel lucky, in comparison to my misfortune. So I was doing my homework today, and decided to take off my nail polish, just for procrastination. So I'm rubbing away and the song that came up on my CD wasn't really a favourite, so I decided to change it. As I got up, I knocked over my nail polish remover bottle, which was conveniently open. It spilled all over my homework, kindly disintegrating all the ink on the pages. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


My mother asked me to pay her five cents so that the canker on my tongue would go away. Don't worry, I didn't understand either, I attempted to make sense of it, but ended up being more confused than to begin with. We had a good laugh and she blinked her eyes in an exaggerated manner, claiming she's becoming blind from spending too much time on the computer. That reminded me of the last time I saw her laugh. I believe it came right after this story: So I went out for dinner with Brian last night, and we were just eating, talking, you know, the usual things one would do while eating dinner. Then he said something funny that made me laugh, or maybe I was laughing at him, either way, both things, once again, that would happen normally while eating dinner. Then, in a moment of my greatest demonstration of class, wit, beauty, and charm, I snorted at full blast, recieving more than a few looks from the quiet onlookers. I just have one request: Please, would you all still love me when I've completed my transformation into a plump and tiny little pink pig.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Get an education kids

Sometimes you do something, just because you can. Like letting out a fart when someone's vacuuming, because you know they won't hear it, or eating all the clusters, which everyone knows is the best part, out of a cereal box. Well, last night, just because we could, me and a few friends went to a "gentlmens club" a.k.a. a strip club with no alcohol, and more lapdances and interaction with the stripers off-stage... We were all convinced that it was going to be a huge ROFL fest, but once we got there, I thought other wise. There were 35-50 year old men scattered around the room, alone, and I was just praying I could see both of their hands. There were also a few groups of slightly over excited 20-something year olds, crowded around the front. Then out came the girls. They were pretty enough, but seemed a little too young, and a little too drunk, cracked out, or whatever else. Pretty much, if you could go to a place that embodied depression, this would be it. I would say my favourite one was the girl who cleaned the pole of before she started... or maybe the one that fell, twice. I don't really know what I was expecting, but that wasn't it. It think I'll just continue to contemplate this over my easter dinner left overs, that aren't even left overs because we never acually had a dinner. That's right, see if you can figure that one out.