Saturday, January 27, 2007

Mmm, bread

So, i'm innocently telling my family about the horrors of Grey's Anatomy's most recent episode. It's the part when that guy had to have his legs sliced open because they were swelling up too fast, obviously, I mean he took an aspirin before running a marathon, what do you expect? Anyways, let's put my highly trained medical knowledge behind us, so I was reciting this when my dad breaks into his little "I'm going to break out with a: horrible pun, stupid joke, or mocking comment" grin and says "Well, I mean Hollywood is so telling of real life, you should really play close attention to these things." Simultaneously my mom is going on about that time when I was about ten and she had to roll me around in a stroller because I had stepped on a bee and my entire leg had swollen up and become covered in blisters. "You didn't need to get your leg sliced open..." Tell me, since when does taking an aspirin before a marathon and stepping on a bee entail the same treatment? And no, I'm not saying that I believe that's even how they would handle it in real life. I don't know about you, but I watch TV and read books to get away from reality, ok? Anyways, so to deal with my frustration I throw a hefty piece of bread at my dad, of course. Then he chuckled to himself and slowly ate it.


Anonymous said...

you threw a piece of bread at your dad? and he ate it? if i threw a piece of bread at my dad he would mutter incomprehensibly and then tell me to go to hell. bread isn't meant to be thrown around, mega. it's like... sacred.

MilliVanilli said...

Pfft, and you think my dad would therefore let it go to waste? What do you take him for?

Anonymous said...

umm... la fou?

Joseph said...

hi iam a greek man how are you see my paint. thanks..