Saturday, February 17, 2007


Allow me to demonstrate what studying is for me:
10:00 Sit down in front of books
10:03 find a very interesting bump on my arm
10:08 still poking at bump
10:10 realize that I'm trying to study and that bump is going no where
10:12 laugh to myself because of memories from last night
10:15 visualize what I'm going to wear tonight
10:20 come to again, and try to read some notes
10:30 managed 10 minutes of studying and reward myself with a chocolate
10:35 ate chocolate as slow as possible, and am trying to get the smudge off my paper
10:37 actually tried to lick chocolate smudge off paper, and check out window to make sure my neighbours don't think I'm anorexic and only eat paper
10:40 read the word under smudge, and the sentence attached to it
10:41 discover that babies hearts function differently in the womb
10:45 wishing that my heart would stop pumping, not because I want to die, but because I know how it works now and I'm creeped out
10:47 apologize to bump for neglecting it for 39 minutes, and poke it a few more times
10:50 continue reading notes
11:00 studying for a whole hour has tired me out, must take a mental break.


Anonymous said...

Wow Megan, you and I had the exact some morning. With the exception of my mum's "cousin" coming by- I've never seen this woman before in my life. Apparently she's lived down the street for like, 15 years. Welcome to my family. :)

thomasw said...

so funny how the mind wanders; i would've thought you would be a hardcore 'mrs.Inthezone'...but i am wondering about that 10:15 activity; do you usually visualize your 'ensemble' options for roughly 5 minutes? in my experience, that is extremely efficient---assuming you did make up your mind? anyway, have fun and enjoy working the clutch, meg0 :)

lowercasecarmen said...

Meg ham, this is for you. It's a fart game, duh. I think space bar is to fart and left arrow is to releave gas pressure or "de-gas". You have to try to fart when the cars go by but only long enough and loud enough that the guy beside you at the bus stop doesn't hear you. If he does, game over.

Greg McLeod said...

I find it helps to tape my notes to drum heads and then beat the crap out of them until they're illegible. Then I can't possibly be distracted from/by studying.

lowercasecarmen said...


MilliVanilli said...

Nicole- You are the wind beneath my wings... a.k.a. yes, we are both retarded and can't concentrate... three cheers?
mr.w- what crazy leprachaun gave you the idea that I made up my mind
carmen- obviously I played...and I kick ass, I got into the six digits
greg- your profound solutions never fail to impress me