Friday, February 2, 2007

Mmm, Fun with Friends and Cameras


Anonymous said...

this picture is right up there with the clown that haunted my childhood.

MilliVanilli said...

mmm, yes, mine was a troll... he thought I had a pot of gold in my stomach and repetedly tried to rip it out... that's why we have belly buttons you know.

Anonymous said...

what the fuck is with you and trolls? you don't have to worry about them unless you spend a lot of time under a bridge. and even then... they're probs cool, with like earrings and shit. :)

MilliVanilli said...

hey, you have a belly button too...

Anonymous said...

k you guys are both wrong( i also realise you both probaly won't read this) but as a child i would play under bridges. Dirty yes but then again i was already fat i might aswell live it up. Now, my point to all this is that while playing under these brindges i was the troll. And he didnt want pots of gold(they're not a fucking leprechauns) and they didnt want jewelry( would they wear it? really nicole) They just wanted friends. And food.