Monday, February 5, 2007

What would an Egyptian have in their purse?

I like to waste my time. Oh, and I also like to listen to people who say things like "What I have to say is important, so you should listen to me!" who happen to be teaching me a class where on the first day they said "I have no previous knowledge on anything we'll cover this year, so I'll kind of be learning it with you." Hmm, what else, oh, I love having spastic fits of rage and also murderous and suicidal thoughts at the same time. All this would be why I'm currently taking Comparative Civilizations at school.

So today we all had to get into partners and each group was assigned a person from the period we're currently studying to present. It was a kind of Oprah-type interview that my teacher wanted, to hit all the important parts of your person's life. Now, there are good things and bad things about having a teacher who's dumber than you. Like that one time me and a couple friends did a poster-project and completely forgot to put pictures on it as the instructions so plainly indicated. "I wanted to really emphasize the minimalist nature of the time, you know, to keep the class aware of what it was really like." I think it was Egypt. They wore make up and ridiculous jewelry, they were anything but minimalists. They built fucking pyramids and giant cats for their kings, and yet she ate it up like christmas dinner, smiling and praising us for our insight.

There was one presentation today that I found particularly hilarious.
"So did you have any children?" says the interviewer.
"Ah yes, I had a son. His name was An... An-dro... dro-nik...An-dro-nik-us. Mmm, hmm, you're supposed to say it slow."



Anonymous said...

Did you know that every time a retarded teacher is born an angel gets its wings? I'm just joking, the angel is shot execution jesus.

MilliVanilli said...

Ha ha, yeah he told me he loves that part of his job over drinks the other day.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the alcohol is pushing him over the edge, it could be intervention time...

lowercasecarmen said...

I'm at the pool right now because I love the smell of chlorine. A fat lady in horizontal stripes is swimming. Woo woo!

I love the slowness of the name. Priceless Meg.