Thursday, March 29, 2007

2 4 6 8

I think I have a fear of too much order. As in, neatness, even numbers, organization, etc. It's great enough that it's reached an extent where I purposly avoid it. Like on some paper I hand in to the teacher, if there aren't any scribbles on it, I'll actually scribble out a perfectly good word, and rewrite it, so that I feel more comfortable handing it in. It's like I'm trying to make people think I don't try too hard, but in order to acheive that I have to actually try harder than if I just didn't care. Faws are just satifying to me. I seriously do, in every way. For example, if someone has crooked teeth, I almost instantly am attracted to them. Or even better a lisp... that really gets me. Then there's the whole number thing. I can't listen to the radio on an even number, this I inherited from my OCD brother, but it caught on and I just can't shake it. If someone else moves the volume dial and it lands, heaven forbid, on the number 10 for example, I have to change it to 9 or 11, or it'll be on my mind until it's off. And setting my alarm in the morning, I won't set it to any even numbers, or any multiples of five. Like today, I woke up at 7:21, a perfect time if you ask me. Now, I wouldn't go crazy if I had to wake up at 7:20 and listen to the radio at 8 but it's just a choice thing, I'd really rather not.

Besides, everyone has their things. Like I mentioned before about my brother. His thing with the volume is he has to listen to it on a number that's a multiple of three, or a number that has the number three in it, so 3,6,9,12,13 etc. Chloe shares my obsession of eating chocolat bars layer by layer, until you're left with just the inner part. Nicole can't touch dishwater, not that the average person is so enthused to, but it usually isn't a problem. This list could go on forever, and this is what makes everyone 'strange'. Although, if everyone's strange...then who's normal?


himynameisklowy said...

I used to think that the whole chocolate bar thing was just because I really liked the inner layer better. But no, it's simply cause I have this crazy higher force that makes me feel incomplete if I eat it like a normal person. Same with the pop tabs. I have to drop them in the pop. I even know the extreme level of grossness that comes with it, but I neeeed to do it. But like you said, it makes people even better. And even if there is such a thing as "normal", who would want to be?

Anonymous said...

well said, chloe, well said.

lowercasecarmen said...

It's almost like normality is strange, like dude, it's being different that we're all conforming to. Seriously like, I don't even know what to rebel against anymore, dude, seriously. Duuuude

you are like so philosophical dude.

You're totally blowing my fucking mind.

Anonymous said...

I CAN'T THINK OF MY WEIRD THING!! i'm very disturbed by this.