Wednesday, April 11, 2007


My mother asked me to pay her five cents so that the canker on my tongue would go away. Don't worry, I didn't understand either, I attempted to make sense of it, but ended up being more confused than to begin with. We had a good laugh and she blinked her eyes in an exaggerated manner, claiming she's becoming blind from spending too much time on the computer. That reminded me of the last time I saw her laugh. I believe it came right after this story: So I went out for dinner with Brian last night, and we were just eating, talking, you know, the usual things one would do while eating dinner. Then he said something funny that made me laugh, or maybe I was laughing at him, either way, both things, once again, that would happen normally while eating dinner. Then, in a moment of my greatest demonstration of class, wit, beauty, and charm, I snorted at full blast, recieving more than a few looks from the quiet onlookers. I just have one request: Please, would you all still love me when I've completed my transformation into a plump and tiny little pink pig.


Anonymous said...

I'll ALWAYS love you


Anonymous said...

oh meggie. will you still love me when i wake you up consumed with paranoia that you were murdered in the night? because if you can do that... i'll take you for walks when you turn into a pig.

MilliVanilli said...

Oh the both of you. You're sweeter than you know.