Saturday, June 2, 2007

Look up before you jump

So, I'm just chillin' at Brian's house, and we hear this loud banging noise from above us. Brian suggests that it's roofers, but seeing as we were in the bottom floor of a three story house, I thought the fact that it seemed like the ceiling was going to collapse meant it was a little closer than that. So being the detectives we are, we went to check it out. When we got upstairs we realized that it was just Patrick cleaning the deck, and all was good. After a little chat with his mom, we started to head back downstairs. Now I have this thing, and other people have said they have it too, where I hate walking up or down stairs in front of people. You kind of get that feeling like you're being chased where your stomach flips around and you get a crazy surge of adrenaline. So I'm walking in front of Brian and kind of getting this feeling, but I'm ignoring it. I said this was a three story house before, and it still is... so that was on the first set of stairs on our way down. Then on the second flight of stairs, he went in front of me and was just fooling around and being stupid, so I just laughed and walked in front of him. Then I heard his footsteps on the stairs behind me and I got all freaked out and started to run down the stairs and I jumped the last two and I heard this big bang, and didn't know what it was at first. Then I realized that it was my head on the doorframe at the bottom of the stairs. Yes I'm still alive, no I didn't get a concussion... I don't think, and yes, I am a retard.


bythedrift said...

Teehee, don't worry megan, I've had a similar experience! ..Except when I jumped, I fatefully evaded the door frame :P

I did however, reconstruct the situation and imagined how much it would have hurt had I of hit it.

MilliVanilli said...

ha ha yeah, Brian said he's done it a million times.. but I think he was just being nice.

Anonymous said...

aww meggie you cute lil thing. i'm sorry i laughed a little when you told me this story on the phone. honestly, sincerely, i broke my nose on a picnic table leg. you will never be able to make more of a fool of yourself than that.

thomasw said...

i am certain that had to hurt. yet i did get a chuckle from the way you led up to the leap in your story. it got me to thinking...what was PE like for you? did you ever crash or bang there? it is just that there's so many opportunities for self-damage in PE.

btw, i appreciated your remark in one of your entries about how time can pass if you are reading something you enjoy.