Sunday, March 25, 2007

How would you draw 'ripe' in pictionary?

Hmm, I'm ridiculously uninspired right now. This always seems to happen to me. I've probably written about three posts all of which were lame and all of which I deleted. This is the last day of a pretty good spring break, and this is all I have to say:
I woke up this morning to a kind and warm greeting from my parents.
"Happy Birthday Meggie," says my mom with her sweet smile and perfect mom arms that always manage to give the perfect mom hug.
"Thank you," is my sleepy response.
"Happy Birthday cutes," is my dad's calm hello, accompanied with a hug. He then goes on to pat my back and tell me how old I am and that I'm over the hill.
"I'm 18 dad, I don't think I can even see the hill, I'm still riding around on my red tricycle about three miles away."
My dad smiles to himself and starts singing some song that has the words "Over the hill" in it, as he walks out the door.


thomasw said...

happy birthday meg0!!! i am glad you had a decent break. :::draw about a heavily laden fruit tree...apples or cherries...:::

himynameisklowy said...

megan megan!!!!
your posts are alot more creative than mine baby face!!!
and ps. i'm coming on that little rendez-vous of yours in april :) to an innapropriate place to which our boyfriends should be visiting, not us :P

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.